Acupuncture works with the body allowing the body to heal itself more promptly and completely. Acupuncture is particularly effective in pain control because of the release of endorphins from the brain during treatment.CUPPING
Cupping is an ancient technique, used in many cultures, in which a special cup is applied to the skin and held in place by suction. Cupping brings fresh blood to the area and helps improve circulation.TUI-NA MASSAGE
Tui-Na Massage utilizes the teachings of Qi Gong to combine pushing, rubbing, and tapping the body’s muscles, acupressure points and energy meridians.GUA SHA MASSAGE
Gua Sha is a healing technique used in Asia by practitioners of Traditional Medicine which involves palpation and surface stimulation where the skin is pressured, in strokes, by a round-edged instrument.HERBAL MEDICINE
Chinese herbal medicine has a long history reaching back several thousand years, and the resulting system is now used to treat everything from the common cold to certain types of cancer.NUTRITIONAL THERAPIES
While many cultures have herbal medicine traditions, the sophistication of Chinese herbal medicine is unsurpassed.INITIAL CONSULTATION
Allow 90 minutes for the initial visit which includes diagnosis and treatment. Follow-up treatments are usually 30 – 60 minutes each. Check or cash payment is due when services are rendered. Please call 24 hours in advance if you need to reschedule. We accept most major medical and No Fault insurances. Feel free to call and inquire if we accept your insurance.